Career experience Program

Young adults, ages 18-22, click here to apply.

This Career Experience Program in partnership with the City of Memphis Office of Youth Services is designed to give young adults, ages 18-22, an opportunity to advance their careers by combining job training and coaching with “real world” work experience. 

Memphis has a talented young adult population ready to add value to your company with work that is foundational and critical to your success. Many of our young adults have technical skills in areas such as Information and Technology, Software Development, Advanced Manufacturing, Customer Service, and more. And, they are eager to support your business.

Become a Career Experience Partner by extending a six week job offer or internship to one of our program participants. We cover the cost and you help us build critical pathways to success for young adults in Memphis.

Work experiences begin September 30th, 2024 and end November 8th, 2024

The Benefits

Free Talent

We are proud our participants will earn $17 per hour while adding value to your company. We cover those costs entirely, and manage payroll.

Soft Skills Training

We spend ten days on soft skills training before our young adults start with you. 

Low Risk

Commit to six weeks at 20 hours per week. Because of the good fit, this often leads to long-term employment; however, after the six-week commitment, there are no obligations.

Pipeline of talent

Our young adults have received technical and soft skills training. During the program, we provide continued training and coaching.

Corporate Responsibility

Employment opportunities are essential for our young adult population and vital for our city’s health.

Who’s Eligible?

Any company or nonprofit is eligible. We give priority to organizations that hire full-time employees into early career roles.


  • Learn about the work experience and how your organization can execute it.

  • You commit to provide a work experience for six weeks, and you must identify a supervisor.

  • We’ll work with you to select the best fitting young adult for your organization.

Get started by completing our sign-up form.

We’ll be in touch with next steps.